With the world navigating the realities of COVID-19, stories of upended "normality" have flooded the news cycle. We've become accustomed to scenes of "looted" grocery aisles and empty restaurant dining rooms, but Mother's Day 2020 may go down as a historical event. The holiday often cited as the …
Restaurant Graphical Displays: What They Are, Why You Need Them
Imagine a kitchen on a busy weekend evening in a crowded restaurant. How do you picture the chef and cook staff receiving their orders? In the past, you probably would have seen a row of handwritten paper tickets, notes for the back-of-house to process, hung in the order they were received. While …
May 2020: Restaurant Good News Roundup
As if the pandemic wasn’t distressing enough, now we can add unseasonable cold snaps, and murder hornets into our news cycle. But don’t let that darkness in, because there's always a bright side of life. On the pandemic front, researchers believe that once you have the coronavirus, you can't catch …
How COVID-19 Impacts Coffee Production, Consumption, and Sales
Today, the world is battling an invisible enemy that shows no mercy to race, social class, religion, and gender. First world nations and developing countries face the same problems: the collapse of the medical system, lack of ventilators, insufficient PPEs (personal protective equipment) for the …
April Restaurant Industry Roundup: COVID-19 News Updates
We’re in the midst of uncertain times, and around the world, restaurants and businesses are concerned about and working toward the post-COVID-19 “new normal.” What are some solutions to customer dine-in concerns? How are companies creating new streams of revenue? As states across the country are …
Restaurant Machine Learning: Viability and Sales Prediction
Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have gained a strong foothold across different industries due to their ability to streamline operations, save costs, and reduce human error. Machine learning has reshaped sectors like healthcare, finance, and retail, and the restaurant industry …