How Airport Order Metrics Screens Alleviate COVID-19 Concerns
COVID-19, Guest Management, Kitchen Automation, QSR Blog, Restaurant Operators, Restaurant Technology, Technology
Even before the pandemic, airports could make people squeamish. Traveling in a plane, with or without social distancing measures, makes the spread of viruses and bacteria more prevalent. And then consider the airport, a building where travelers from locations across the world converge. All the ingredients are there! With our experiences this far into the COVID-19 pandemic, traveling will be even more fraught with concern. Fortunately, you, as an operator, can help alleviate these concerns through airport order metrics screens. Think of them as one less worry guests will have to pack around with them during an already stressful time.
What Are Airport Order Metrics Screens?
Airport metrics screens are what name implies — monitors that show how long a guest can expect to wait for food at your airport restaurant. For example, when you have a high volume of guests and several orders in your kitchen, your airport metrics screen might show, via average cook time (for example) longer wait time for orders. When you’ve comparatively less traffic, this number will decrease.
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